Makoto Azuma's New York exhibition features botanical design Visit In Exobiotanica, artist Makoto Azuma used plants to figure out “how life came to be” and “what are [the] specific elements and conditions that allow for life” (Claudia Schnugg). Makoto sent plants into the universe to see how they interacted with air outside of the earth. This was so interesting to me and I loved looking at the beautiful photos from this piece. This really relates to DESMA 9 because it involves the use of art to figure out questions regarding biological science, specifically evolution. It also showed the way art is needed to answer certain questions in the science and technology fields. Makoto Azuma's New York exhibition features botanical design Visit I also found the mining asteroid piece by Michele Boulogne very interesting and enjoyed learning about the important questions that come along with scarcity in regards to space. I left a com...