Event 2: Leonardo Da Vinci + Gravity.

 Leonardo Da Vinci was an amazing artist who enhanced his art through the use of science. In an effort to make his artwork as accurate as possible he worked to learn “the geometrical center of gravity of a triangle” and general centers of gravity (Farago, 2023). This relates to the overall theme of our class which is the incorporation of both art, math and science fields. Leonardo Da Vinci is a great example of how each of these fields intertwines and comes into play. During this event, something that I found I can definitely relate to is the way that leonardo “did not always get [it]” right (his calculations and balancing of levers). He used trial and error by “putting the lever in a different position on the beam” to find his answers (Landruss, 2023). I can definitely relate to this process and not succeeding every time.

Proof of attendance 

The British Library, "page 143 The Codex Arundel Notebook" 

I really admire Da Vinci’s  hard work and perseverance to be accurate. As Landruss stated, Da Vinci did not just show his students how to do each individual process but instead “[taught] them the principles on how to rationalize sight” (Landruss, 2023). I found that statement to greatly relate to this class, because we are able to find our answers through the use of overall principles. For example, with our midterm we were able to use our own examples and creations to demonstrate an idea and principle. Leonardo's overall work extensively contributed to science which was not technically his “field of work”, it goes to show that these things all interrelated and it's important to go outside your usual comfort zone. It helps the greater good for people to be multifaceted which is obviously exemplified by Leonardo Da Vinci and his work.  Lastly, we learned about “The shape of a hurricane and other forms of natural spirals relate to logarithmic spirals , with a tight pearl in the center and extensive curve on the outer edge “ (Landruss). Leonardo incorporated this through his artwork, Deluge.I liked how the photo and example of this was a real life occurrence which was hurricane dorian. It really helped me understand how all of these concepts relate and I also thought of the quote “life imitates art”.

Da Vinci, Leonardo. "A deluge". A Royal Connection Trust, 1519. https://www.rct.uk/collection/912380/a-deluge 

Farago, Claire. “Leonardo Da Vinci + Gravity. .” Leonardo Da Vinci + Gravity. Leonardo Da Vinci + Gravity., 19 May 2023.

Landruss, Matthew. Leonardo Da Vinci + Gravity. Leonardo Da Vinci + Gravity.


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